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Dedicated to Excellence
El Tejon Middle School serves approximately 200 students in the fifth through eighth grades. Located in southern California and set in the scenic mountains of Lebec, El Tejon Middle School is a place where every student belongs.
A Message from Our Principal
Dear El Tejon Middle School Community,
I am so appreciative of your support and willingness to work together as a team on behalf of our students, and I will work my hardest to make your child’s experiences at El Tejon Middle School fulfilling and exciting.
We continue to develop a robust elective program here at ETMS, so our students are sure to find something that speaks to their interests. It is also our goal to develop college and career ready students. We have created a culture and curriculum designed to incentivize our students to reach their potential as they engage in learning and activities.
Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your children. We highly encourage and welcome parent participation. Please feel free to call or email me any time; I am here to help.
Corey Hansen
Corey Hansen, Principal